FitBurn Sauna

Look Good. Feel Good.

Detox Harmful Toxins

In our current worldwide environment of polluted air, over-treated, impure tap water, and the thousands of chemicals used in food and drink processing, it’s no wonder that harmful toxins, heavy metals, carcinogens, and pathogens totally overload our bodies.

Far Infrared Therapy can detoxify our bodies and re-establish proper metabolic balance simply through regular sweating. Detoxification of the entire body is a cornerstone of responsible health maintenance!


  • improve sleep quality

  • lower stress level

  • toxin detoxification

  • weight loss

  • muscle recovery

  • cardiovascular workout

  • increase metabolism

  • clearer, more radiant skin

  • improved circulation

  • pain management

Tips for using the Fit Burn Sauna

Start Slow. When you first begin to use your infrared sauna. After you begin to break a sweat, a 20 -30 minute session is recommended. After becoming acclimated to infrared heat, users average 25-45 minute sessions.

Max time. Even if you’re an experienced sauna user, keep sessions below 30 minutes to avoid putting too much stress on your body. It’s also best to limit visits to three to four times a week.

Stay hydrated. Drink water before, during, and after your Fit Burn Sauna session. A good rule of thumb is to divide your body weight by two and drink a minimum of that many ounces of water daily. (160 lbs. divided by 2 = 80 ounces of water)

Dress comfortably. Wear what makes you most comfortable. Some people wear a robe to sit and relax, while others that want to utilize the interactive workout wear workout clothing.

Switch off. Give yourself the time you deserve by dedicating time to yourself and yourself alone. You are alone in a room with no distractions, no disturbances, work meetings, or other social obligations. It's the perfect excuse for switching off from the world to invest in yourself.